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Lunge Tutorial




12 October 2022




Make sure you are doing it right!

When completing a workout, it is important that you perform exercises correctly to ensure you can maximise the impact it will have on your body and fitness.

The lunge is a powerful lower body exercise that is easy to learn and safe to do. Perfect for a home gym, you can do lunges with minimal equipment, or even use your body weight.

They are very effective in targeting your glutes and quads. Lunges also work your calves, hamstrings and core.

For beginners its best to perform them next to something stable to balance on if required and for those who are more advance start to morph the movement into walking lunges, jumping lunges or add weights.

We have enlisted the help of Y Fitness Trainer, Jack to help us learn the correct way to perform a lunge. Make sure you follow along and let's get your form into shape! 

Common Mistake: Do not lunge forward in front of the body, this is called lunging on a tightrope. It is best to always lunge outside the width of your hip to ensure you maintain balance, this is called lunging on train tracks. 

The below video explains the correct way to perform this exercise. 

#theYathome Activity Disclaimer

All participants must ensure they have a clear area to perform all skills and activities prior to commencing the activity.  All child related activities must be conducted under parental supervision. 

You are responsible for you exercising within your limits. Only perform exercises and skills and repetitions that you are currently capable of performing. If you do not do it at the gym or in your regular Y program, do not attempt to do it at home. 

Do not attempt skills, exercises or activities displayed if you currently sustain any injuries or illness that excludes you from physical activity. If at any time you feel you are exercising beyond your current fitness abilities, or you feel discomfort, pain, dizziness or nausea, you should discontinue exercising immediately and seek medical assistance/advice where necessary.

To the extent permitted by law, The Y and its affiliates disclaim any and all liability in connection with the exercises in this video/post and any instructions and advice provided.




12 October 2022


